Most recently, Diverse Readers Say...
"DIHE has always shined a light on critical issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work; they have been professional, respectable, and current with national news which is needed in the DEI world. I know that I can rely on them!”
Tracy Archie
Chief diversity, equity, & inclusion officer, RTS
“As we advance our initiatives working with the Navajo Nation and numerous HBCUs to educate scholars, leaders and practitioners for a more just and sustainable world, we count on Diverse to connect us with the broad issues that matter most in the academic community.”
Dr. Barbara P. Mink
Program Director and Professor School of Leadership Studies
Fielding Graduate University
“With steadfast dedication, Diverse continues to foreground the exceptional impact and promise of underrepresented communities in higher education. It is a catalyst for important advances that are being made toward equity and inclusion on our campuses today.”
Dr. Lorenzo Candelaria
Dean, School of the Arts, Purchase College,
State University of New York
Purchase College, State University of New York